The last of the CA PE-I exams (foundation exams, if you will) was over. Six students stood outside the examination centre, a strange mix of frustration and relief flooding them. Relief because the exams were over, marking the end of a month long toil. Frustration because all of them were sure they would fail the exams.
We talked for a while about how badly each of us had screwed the exam. Before we knew it, our stomachs were growling. Since no one was in the mood to go home, we decided to eat outside. As we left the school, we saw a Marrybrown outlet. What’s more, there was an “all you can eat” offer. It was a no-brainer. The six of us entered the empty outlet, and two waiters sprang into attention. They walked toward us with pamphlets. We shouted “Six all you can eats!!” to save them the effort of coming to our table. The message was relayed to the kitchen, and soon enough, our table was covered with burgers, chicken, fries and drinks. What followed can be termed a “blitzkrieg”. The plates were empty so fast that we had caught the waiters off guard. We had signalled our intent. Refill after refill came, but it seemed our hunger was insatiable. All the frustration and the anger that was in us were taken out on the food that kept coming to our table. It was like we were men possessed (probably by very, very hungry spirits).
Soon, the situation came where the waiters started getting genuinely worried. They started shifting around uneasily, and urgent messages were relayed to the kitchen area. At one point, when we complained about the slow service (which was totally unjustified, in retrospect), a waitress came and in a choked voice, told us “Sir, please understand. It takes some time for us to prepare it. We have to give it fresh and hot.” I felt bad for her; and gave an angry glare to my friend who complained “Hmph! So much for fast food!” I gave her my best smile and told her “It’s okay. Take your time.” My complaining friend, who had caught my glare, returned a sheepish grin.
But that was as much sympathy as the staff got. They didn’t have a moment’s respite, as our plates and glasses got empty faster than you could say “Marrybrown”. Soon, the time came when they were all cleaned out. The waitress came to us, almost trembling, and broke the news. Surprisingly, everyone stayed calm on hearing the tragedy, much to the relief of the waitress. She didn’t stay relieved long though. “There was something about all you can eat ice cream”, I commented. She sighed, defeated, and said “Yes sir, I’ll get it.”
The all you can ice creams were the small vanilla cups you get for Rs.5 or so. They were in a small cabinet. “You may want to bring the entire cabinet here”, one of us said. The waitress considered our suggestion in all seriousness for a moment, and then decided that it wasn’t an option. If she thought that would slow us down, she was grossly mistaken. The cabinet was emptied with the same efficiency with which we had emptied the kitchen.
At the end of it all, we sat at our table, finally content. All the frustration was gone, and we were at peace now. We laughed, joked, made plans for the next day, and of course, burped out loud. The bill came to our table, and we left a generous tip. As we left the place, I noticed that the manager was having an urgent conversation with his waiters (probably discussing if there was a possibility of keeping the outlet open till night, given that they would have to get a whole set of supplies). I know it is a cliché, but if I were to sum up our visit to Marrybrown, all I can say is “We came. We saw. We conquered.”
Not long afterwards, as I was passing the area where the outlet was located, I saw that the Marrybrown outlet was closed. I am not suggesting anything, but then it was also interesting to note that the “all you can eat” offers that were there in many of the fast food outlets in Chennai stopped after a few months. If there were a few more cases like ours, I can’t blame them.
funny, and yet a tragic end for the outlet... I doubt the manager was not talking about the supplies, but to remember you guys, so that the next time you guys were seen atleast a half-km perimeter area, they can temporarily suspend the "all-u-can-eat" offer..
"we came... conquered" too good!!!
I think you write comic blogs really well.
LOL :-D Awesome man! I sometimes wondered in these "all you can eat" outlets what if someone took just one plate and all the rest shared it! But, I feel the anguish of the waitress and the manager, and I am also at awe at the "big" (which could easily be an understatement) appetite of you men! A post that kept me relaxed throughout. Enjoyed it.
Do visit my space. I have put up a new post.
thanks dude... i would write a lot more, but certain topics are controversial so it may need some smart editing b4 i can post it... neway i will keep writing as nd wen the inspiration comes.. thanks for ur support dude..
i am glad to know tht the post achieved its purpose of letting readerd just relax.. and about the appetite; as college students, we were jus guys who used to eat few meals, but when we did, we brought the house down.. :D
glad u liked it.. i tried to make it shorter than my first post (which i wud like ur comments on pls..).. hope tht helps too..
Hahahaha !! really nice rahul, u do have a talent 4 humour !! keep it comin !!
i liked ur last line - ( we , we , we ) he he he ;-)
good stuff !! but hae let me guess u would have spent th 2 days after that day in th loo ;-)
o n yea adding to my earlier comment
to put in in Benjy Anthony's terms
U would have take the " dump of a lifetime "
Lol! That was hilarious, Rahul. I can so relate to this post. I always get two stomachs when I'm with friends and boy, how much we eat! ;)
Thoroughly enjoyed it, man. Thanks to you.
I very much loved your narration and language. Just too good. Hope to read more.
@ Jobby: I dont really remember what happened after that (not that I want to either)..but glad tht u liked it.. i m sure u remember the all you can eats in pizza corner...
@ Karthik: Man, coming from you, that sure is high praise.. Will definitely keep the posts comin!! Thanks. You are as generous as you are gifted.
A refreshingly funny and interesting incident... And knowing your appetite, it really doesn't come as a surprise as I know that you have ability to finish off an outlet ;)... And also the tension of CA and relief of exams getting over obviously compelled you to take all the frustration out on food (or rather your stomach)
dude i don't think your diet has reduced ever since. Your diet can make me look small (and u know I'm quite a giant :) )
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